/ARCHIVE— 2007
November, 16 — December 15, 2007 |
/Gladys Johnston |
October 12 - November 10th. 2007 |
/Allyson mitchell |
October & November, 2007 |
/Leila Armstrong |
September 7 - october 6, 2007 |
/Anne Mckenzie |
September 7 - October 6, 2007 |
/Jason de Haan |
September & October, 2007 |
/Jon Lawson |
July 5 - August 4, 2007 |
/Neil Goldberg |
June & July, 2007 |
/Sarah Pearl Birch |
Thursday, June 28, 2007 |
/Daft punk |
may 16 - june 23, 2007 |
/dustin koop and john antoski |
may & June, 2007 |
/Amalie atkins |
april 6 - May 12, 2007 |
/barbara hunt, sarah moloney |
April & May, 2007 |
/Tyler Los-Jones and Ryan Ford |
February 23 - March 31, 2007 |
/David Poolman |
Febraury & March, 2007 |
/julia jungwirth |
January 12 - February 12m 2007 |
/Eric Metcalfe |
december, 2006 - January, 2007 |
/international festival of animated objects: |
- ...
- A-C
- D-F
- G-I
- J-L
- M-O
- P-R
- S-U
- V-Z
- Adams, Sarah
- Akkermans, Jennifer
- Albina, Kiarra
- Alexander, Vikky • Exhibition • Retrospective Show
- Allen, Gale
- Allen, Jerry
- Allen, Wendy
- Amantea, Gisele
- Amiot, Vlad
- Anderson, Jack
- Angelopoulos, Jaime
- Antoski, John
- Armstrong, Leila
- Arseneault, Robin
- Aslani, Roja
- Atkins, Amalie
- Averns, Dick
- Bader, Edward
- Baillargeon, Richard
- Baird, Laura
- Baker, Cindy
- Ball, Allen
- Bampton, Brooke
- Bandura, Philip
- Bankey, Miriam
- Batista, Brian • 7 by 7 • Divine Inspiration
- Beal, Kyle
- Bedard, Angela
- Begin, Noel
- Belliveau, Elisabeth • Natural Disasters, Pets and Other Stories • Canadian Luv Note: Installation number one
- Belliveau, Tim
- Belmore, Rebecca
- Bendahan, Raphael
- Benning, Sadie
- Benschop, Lisa • Ateliers of the Near Future • Role - Directors' Show
- Bergmans, Karina
- Birch, Sarah Pearl
- Bird, Jolie
- Black, Anthea•I Knew It All Along • Role - Directors' Show
- Bourgault, Rebecca
- Bowering, Scott
- Boyd, Alisha
- Brandhorst, Neil
- Brenner, Joni
- Bride, Jack
- Bristol, Joanne
- Broken City Lab
- Brown, Richard
- Brown, Rosemary
- Buera, Ken
- Bujold, Nathalie
- Bullick, Scot
- Bunnell, Marna • Exhibition • Publication
- Buzzee, Dana
- Brunsdale, Donna
- Callaghan, Neil
- Cameron, Eric
- Campbell, Michael
- Carlson, Corinne
- Carr-Harris, Ian
- Castillo, Osvaldo Ramirez
- Chaisson, Rachael
- Clark, John
- Cole, Barbara
- Cooke, Adrian
- Corman, Don
- Couillard, Paul
- Cran, Chris •Exhibition •Retrospective Show
- Dahle, Dagmar • Slip • Weaving Van Gogh
- Dalmer, Brandon
- Damboise, Todd
- Daschuk, Jillian
- Davidson, DJ
- Dawkins, Patti
- De Haan, Jason
- De Guzman, Patrick
- De Souza, Shyra
- Del Rosario, Kuh
- Desilets, Marie-Suzanne
- Dhaliwal, Sarindar
- Dickie, Megan
- Dicey, Mark
- Dinh, Andy Van
- Dinan-Mitchell, Cynthia
- Diviney, David
- Dlouhy, Milo
- Docherty, Heather
- Douglas, Lalie
- Dowson, J
- Draney, Brenda
- Driediger, Roxanne
- Dulude, Marc
- Dunning, Alan
- Dyck, Megan
- Evergon
- Ewashen, Glynnis
- Ewashen, Tamara • Kind • Tongue Tied
- Ewasiuk, Terry
- Fahner, Craig
- Feddes, Mark • Broken Ankles • An Artwork by Mark Feddes
- Ferguson, Clark
- Fôja, João
- Fontans, Dee
- Ford, Ryan
- Forstner, Ocean
- Foxcroft, David
- Frame, Fredette
- Fraser, Joyce
- Free, Morgan Rose
- Frischke, Jennea
- Fundraiser 2009
- Funnell, Jeff
- Gammon, Lynda
- Gartley, Vera • Exhibition • The Gap
- Genda, Dagmara
- Gibson, Randy
- Gibson, Steve
- Godfrey, Sue
- Goldberg, Neil
- Gooliaff, Angela
- Goreas, Lee
- Gotro, Brian Kent
- Graham, Sarah
- Gray, Colleen Kerr
- Green, Art
- Green, Suzen
- Greenwood, Vera
- Griffith, Colwyn
- Gubash, Milutin
- Halliday, Richard
- Harper, David R.
- Harvey, Katherine
- Hayeur, Isabelle
- Heard, Noel
- Heart Lab
- Hein, Mike
- Henderson, Lee
- Hendry, Angela
- Hepburn, Megan
- Hiebert, Marnie
- Hill, Derek
- Hillis, Shawn
- Hills, June
- Ho, Karilynn Ming • I Want You to Want Me • Where Where There There
- Ho, Raymond
- Hodgins, Tyler
- Hodgson, Merion
- Horvath, Peter
- Hrabluik, Allison
- Hu, Amanda
- Hudson, Dan
- Hunt, Barbara
- Huston, Heather
- Hunter, Geoff • Tale • Publication • Is hockey more important than art?
- Hutchinson, Marc • Exhibition • Publication• Artist Talk
- Iga, Yuriko
- Isfeld, Shannon
- Jarnuszkiewicz, Jacek
- Jensen, Natasha
- Jickling, Hannah
- Johansen, Kim
- Johnson, Ed
- Johnson, Louise
- Johnston, Gladys
- Johnston, Theresa
- Jones, Emily
- Jones, Michael
- Jungwirth, Julia
- Kabatoff, Mathew
- Karpenko, Lydia
- Kay, Karen
- Kennedy, Garry Neill • Exhibtion • Retrospective Show
- Kidd, Jane • Exhibition • Publication
- King, Andrew
- Kiyono, Koichi
- Kiyooka, Harry
- Klimek, Lylian
- Knutson, Hilary
- Koch, Eve
- Kohnke, Joseph
- Kolijn, Eveline
- Koop, Dustin
- Kroeger, Ernie
- Kustec, Yvonne
- Lauchlan, Natalie
- Laing, Jim
- Landin, Aurora• Recidivism • Role - Directors' Show
- Langford, Colleen
- Landry, Isabel
- Lantier, Jean
- Lawson, Jon
- Le Blanc, Craig
- LeBlanc, Jean-René •Toro Envistiendo
- Lee, Jane
- Lemermeyer, Robert
- Lemoine, Elizabeth
- Levesque, Anita
- Levine, Paula
- Lindskoog, Kris • Binocular View
- Lockhart, Amy
- Los-Jones, Tyler
- Love, Justin
- Lundeen, Patrick • Exhibition • Publication
- Lupypciw, Michael
- Lupypciw, Wednesday
- Ly, Linh
- Mabie, Don
- MacCormack, Jessica
- MacDonnell, William •Exhibition • Retrospective Show
- Machyderm Inc
- Malbeuf, Amy
- Mallon, Darci
- MacKay, Allan Harding
- Magallanes, Alejandro
- Malakoff, Kristi
- Maloney, Sarah
- ManWoman
- Marcelle, Cinthia
- Mark, Kelly
- Marsh, Jenine
- Marsh Fairweather, Ryan
- Martineau, Luanne
- Mathieu, Paul
- Mayr, Suzette • Exhibition • Publication
- McCarroll, Billy • Backwards is Sometimes Forward • From Lethbridge
- McCarroll, Serena
- McGeachy, Diane
- McKelvey, Katy
- McKenzie, Anne
- McKeough, Rita • Retaining Wall • Slipping By
- McLachlan, Warren
- McLean, Lance
- McLeod, Nate
- McMath, Shelia
- McMillan, Gary
- McNamara, Chris
- McTrowe, Mary-Anne • Cedar Tavern Singers • Super String
- McWilliam, David
- Meadows, Pete
- Medvedovsky, Vitaly
- Menzies, Lesley
- Metcalfe, Eric
- Meza, Samuel Garrigo
- Miguel, Patrícia
- Millar, Chris
- Millard, Laura
- Miller, Mindy Yan
- Miller, Rebekah
- Miller, Shelley• The Rise and Fall •Local(e)
- Milne, Barbara
- Mitchell, Allyson • Serious Fur • Super String
- Modum, Chika
- Mombert, Jason
- Moody, Robyn • Constellation • Brand Removal Service
- Moon, Alex • UNI-FARM: Gardener Pro 2 • Ateliers of the Near Future
- Moore, Laura
- Moores, Zeke
- Mootoo, Shani
- Morman, Megan
- Morton, Bill
- Mowry, Crystal
- Murchie, John
- Murphy, Mike
- Murphy, Robin
- Murray, Keith
- Murray, Lisa • Exhibition • Publication
- Muyambo, Bunmi
- Neudorf, Kim
- Nielsen, Lee
- Nickle, Troy
- Norgren, Jeff
- Norlen, Alison
- Nunoda, Steven • Ghostown
- Odnokon, Laurie
- Ohe, Katie
- Olafson, Louisa
- Olson, Edward
- Olson, Jim
- O'Neill, Colleen• Ma-lady/Malady • Role - Directors' Show
- Orkusz, Keith
- Ouellet, Shelley• Retrospective Show • Role - Directors' Show • Johnston Falls
- Parker, Stuart
- Paterson, Mariko
- Patton, Andy
- Paul, Cassandra
- Peck, Robin
- Pedersen, Melissa
- Perigot, Alexandre
- Perron, Mireille • Ateliers of the Near Future • What's Like A Message
- Perunovich, Vessna
- Peterson, Steve
- Picco, Jim
- Piintz, Brian
- Platt, Liss
- Plotnikoff, Sandy
- Pool, Brian
- Poolman, David
- Power, Andrew
- Price, Nancy
- Price, René
- Prost, Jean-Francois
- Proulx, Mikhel
- Rahn, Janice
- Ralph, Karen
- Rayburn, Nicole
- Reid, Jocelyn
- Rempel, Juliana
- Revolutionary Knitting Circle, The
- Robert, Paul • Science Boy and the Golden Age • Part and Parcel •Publication
- Robinson, Lissa
- Rodgers, Kevin• If Daylight Breaks, We'll Fix It • Local(e)
- Rogers, Scott
- Rosche, Christine
- Rose, Jodie
- Ross, Catherine
- Rude, Jade
- Rushton, Mia
- Sage, Elsepth
- Schell, Fleur
- Schenstead, Angela
- Schwebel, Josh
- Scott, Ryan McClure
- Sea, Morgan
- Sharma, Mona
- Shaw, Jewel
- Sherlock, Diana
- Siblock, Laurie
- Silver, Angela
- Sinotte, Michelle
- Slater, Megan
- Smailes, Rhonda
- Smith, Bradley
- Smith, Douglas
- Smith, Laurel
- Smith, Lowell
- Smith, Paul
- Smith & Stewart
- Soo, Mark
- Sormin, Linda
- Spalding, Jeffrey
- Spencer, Carl
- Springer, Sarah
- Stewart, Penelope
- Stewart, Tracy
- Straathof, Romy • 7 by 7 • Ateliers of the Near Future
- Stratton, Shannon
- Stride Library
- Sutton, Lindsay
- Takashima, Yoko
- Tardiff, Chantal
- Thib, Jeannie
- Thoreson, Kristine
- Thrale, Ann
- Tiggelers, Larissa
- Toogood, Wendy
- Townsend, Martha
- Traer, Patrick
- Turns, Soft
- Turriff, Robert
- Valentina, Jasmine
- Van Dinh, Andy
- Van Gaalen, Chad
- Van Sloten, Sarah
- Vitic, Renato
- von Tiessenhausen, Peter
- Vriend, Rachelle Ymay
- Waddell, Justin
- Wadden, Brent
- Wade, Nicholas
- Watson, Stacey
- Weppler, Rhonda
- Whidden, Elinor
- White, Donna • Prevailing Past •Role - Directors' Show
- Whitehead, Kyle
- Wilks, Bentley
- Will, John• Retrospective Show • Role - Directors' Show
- Williams, Zoe
- Wilson, Clint
- Wilson, Dermot
- Windrum, Robert
- Wong, Daniel
- Wong, Rachael
- Wong, Stefanie
- Woo, Kari
- Woodrow, Paul
- Worte, Lynn
- Woykin, Cam
- Wright Cheney, Janice
- Yamamoto, Naomi
- Yee, Kevin
- Yip, Alison