Exhibition Information
Presented by Stride Gallery as part of M:ST Mountain Standard Time Performance Art Festival
By inviting viewers to question consumer culture’s attachment to particular brand names and logos, Moody’s installation and performance invites pedestrian traffic to renounce their loyalties and consumeristic tendencies. Moody will set up shop as a label remover in a downtown mall, offering to un-stitch, grind out or cover over the labels and brand logos that dominate our clothing. He will offer a free overnight service whereby participants can leave their clothing to be delabeled, and picked up the next day. This piece asks the viewer to assess their particular brand loyalties and affections, as in all likelihood, these companies do not reciprocate the same feelings.
The Brand Removal Service will be situated in front of the Clarence Block building on Stephen Avenue mall (8 Avenue) between 1st Street and Centre Street SW. The service will be operated by Moody from 11am until 5pm from April 16th - 21st.
artist bio
Robyn Moody is a recent University of Lethbridge graduate who has exhibited his installations and performances numerous times in both Lethbridge and Calgary. Most recently he exhibited Buzz, in the New Gallery’s +15 Window Space. Moody’s Brand Removal Service will travel to Montreal, Quebec, in the Fall of this year.