Exhibition Information
Publishing is a crucial part of Artist-Run Centre activity in Calgary, an intriguing chronicle of our history, and an ongoing testament to the vitality of our cultural activities. For this special presentation, Stride exhibited books, catalogues, publications produced and collected over our 18-year history, with generous contributions from the National Artist-Run community for a panoramic view of publishing practices across Canada.
The Art Book Fair exhibited publications from our publication history, archives and from organiztions from across Canada. The success of the book fair was made possible by the participation of over 20 artist run centres, galleries, and artists.
Their generous donations are added to our archive and will be available to the public, Friends of the Stride Gallery and to other cultural institutions.
Art Book Fair donations available at the Stride Gallery:
Access Artist Run Center, Vancouver, BC
Birthdaycake Island
James Pierre and Pom Pom: Two Hearts Beat as One
Small Waves, Cold Water
Small Waves, Cold Water (2nd edition)
The Egg Throwing Apparatus
This For That
Art Speak, Vancouver , BC
BIRDS - A City, Some Rain
Doubt and the History of Scaffolding
Frequent Stops
GUI; Sunday
Lines Spoken For
Long-Range Forecast; Variable
No Sound is Dissonant Which Tells of Life
Passengers and Tour Guides
Sign After The X
Samll Dead Woman/Last Seen
Songstress/ Songs for Girls
The Underside of Shadows
Up and Down: Downtown Eastside Architecture
Conseil des Arts texiles du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec
Textiles Sismographes
Textiles Sismographes, Sympopsium
Grunt, Vancouver, BC
Ablakela CD ROM
Live at the end of the Century
La Centrale/powerhouse, Montreal, Quebec
Le Cinema Experimental et la Video des Demmes
Pieces D’identite
Pink Link
Tables des Matieres Intsabili
Voix Sigulieres
Le Mois de la Photo a Montreal, Montreal, Quebec
Now. Images of Present Time/Maintenant. Image du temps présent.
MAWA, Winnepeg, Manitoba
Inversions: Interventions
Inversions: Fairy Tales and Romance
Inversions: The Female Grotesque
Inversions: Women and Humor
Martha Townsend-Stone in a Glass House
Mawa: Culture and Community
Passing Pictures with Prisoners
Open Space, Victoria, BC
A Choreography of The Ordinary
A Critical Beauty
Buther’s Apron, Butcher’s Hook
Drawings Plus
Dream Factoy (DVD)
Monographs, 1998 - 2003
Nominal Spaces: Stories for Photographs
[un] natural Histories
Quartet for the Year 4698 or 5760
Redressing the Crone
Standard Sheathing
Systems Systems Crush
The Sleepless Night
We Need a New History
Skol, Montreal, Quebec
Les Commensaux. Quand L’art se Fait Circonstances / When Art Becomes Circomstances
L’installation, Pistes et Territoirs: L’installation au Quebec 1975-1995
Skol 2002-2003
Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Lethbridge, AB
Anne Ramsden - Anastylosis: Inventory
Blind Stairs
Daniel Laskarin
Get Thirsty
Karilee Fuglem- Cumulous
Lines Painted in Early Spring
Monica Tap Paintings
Yoko Takashima
The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, AB
35 Years and 15 MInutes
Besant: Migratory
Calgary Modern
Fidelity Elite: A Collaborative Performance
John Will: Ain’t Paralyzed Yet
Money L’Argent
Of Mice and Men: A History of Personal Computing
Recollecting: J. Dewey Soper’s Arctic Watercolours
Scotch and Cigars
Ted Godwin: The Tartan Years
That Still Place... That Place Still
The Color of Oak Bark
YYZ Books, Toronto, ON
By the Skin of their Tongues Artist Video Scripts
Crime and Ornament :The Arts and Popular Culture in the Shadow of Adolf Loos
Decalog: YYZ 1979-1989
Foodculture Tasting Identities and Geographies in Art
LUX A Decade of Artists’ Film and Video
Material Matters The Art and Culture of Contemporary Textiles
Mirror Machine Video and Identity
Money Value Art State Funding, Free Markets, Big Pictures
Plague Years A Life in Underground Movies
Practice Practise Praxis Serial Repetition, Organizational Behaviour and Strategic Action in Architecture
Struggles With The Image Essays in Art Criticism
Susan Kealey: Ordinary Marvel
Symbolization and its Discontents
Why Stoics Box and Other Essays on Art and Society