Visitor Info – Reopening

As we prepare to welcome you back into our space, here are some things you should know:

  • New gallery hours: Wednesday – Saturday, 12pm – 6pm. 
  • Tuesdays will be reserved for people who identify as high-risk. Please make a private booking with us by emailing For the safety of those who are at high-risk, we will accommodate only one group per day on Tuesday.
  • We are allowing one group of maximum six people at a time. If we’ve reached the capacity, we will ask you to wait outside. 
  • We will ask everyone to sanitize their hands when they enter the gallery.
  • Masks are mandatory; we will have a disposable mask for you if you need one.
  • You will be asked to enter and exit through separate doors as marked.
  • There will be a publication available for the exhibition. If you would like one, just let us know and we will give one to you. There won’t be a gallery copy to browse. 
  • Each time a group leaves, we will be sanitizing door handles and any other surfaces that have been touched. 
  • Please don’t touch the artworks and keep a safe distance from staff and each other! 

We ask all visitors who are feeling unwell to stay home. Please send us any questions regarding the reopening at

We look forward to seeing you soon!